History of GDV Bioelectrography

History of GDV Bioelectrography

History of GDV Bioelectrography


500BC – Testing of genuine amber by static process in China

1541-1603 – Electroscope, William Gilbert

1602-1686 – Electrostatic machine, Otto Querricke & Hauksbee, 1661-1713

Resulted in the reproduction of electrical phenomena in the laboratory

1622 – Magnetic declination varies with time, Edmund Gunter

1671 – Electric organ of torpedo fish studied, Francesco Redi

1672 – Living tissues react to environment, Francis Glisson

1702 – Air at low pressure glows during an electrical discharge, Hauksbee

1704 – Electrons, particles, wave forms. Newton

1729 – Photometry, Pierre Bouger

1729 – Electric current, Stephen Gray

1731 – Anything can be charged with static electricity if isolated by non conductive materials, Stephen Gray

1733 – Two types of static electric charge, like charges repel whilst unlike charges attract, (later opposed by Benjamin Franklin),

Charles Francois de Cistemay

1746 – Leyden Jar (Leiden) for storing static electricity Pieter Van Musschenbrooek & E G Pieter got a shock when using it suggesting a  connection between lightning, VonKleist

1747 – A pointed conductor draws off an electric charge from a charged body, Benjamin Franklin

1747 – First electrometers, Abbe Jean-Antoine Nollet (Paris)

1756 – Electricity and the origin of light and the wave theory, Mikhail Valilievich Lomonosov

1766 – That all nerves follow a path through the spinal column to the brain and that the nerves stimulate the muscles, A Von Haller

1766 – Improved electrometer, Horace Benedict de Saussure (Suisse)

1766 – Chart of magnetic inclination, Johna Wicke (German)

1771 – Tissue conduction of electricity, Luigi Galvani

1775 – Early electrical condensers, Alessandro Volta

1777 – Electrographic images, G C Lichtenberg

SEE FULL HISTORY: History of GDV Bioelectrography

See more here:

The Bioelectrography History

Since 500BC 



see more about Different names of Bioelectrography

500BC – Testing of genuine amber by static process in China

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